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Lorraine Lawson's



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January 11-18ᵗʰ 12:00-12:45pm EST

“This program transformed my voice in just a few days”

- Susan​

this special offer includes

a LIFETIME Membership to Lorraine’s Vocal Breakthrough online program so you can keep working with Lorraine whenever you want from wherever you are! 


This program is normally $897 online!

BUT RIGHT NOW Lorraine wants you to be able to discover a voice you LOVE, by taking the 7 Day Challenge plus her VOCAL BREAKTHROUGH Program for only $275 CAD


  •  Develop Natural Vocal Coordination™️

  •  Increase Range & Control

  •  Improve Pitch, Resonance & Tone 

  •  Discover the magic of using Vocal Hook's 

  •  Understand the tricks to stylist accuracy

  •  Implement unique Vocal Riffs 

  •  Apply all the above to create an identifiable vocal performance of a song!!


Join Vocal Breakthrough 7 Day Challenge NOW

Can’t attend all the classes? Don't worry, YOU get access to the replays of each class to keep working with on your own in the comfort of your home! !! 

Vocal Breakthrough
Northern Lights
Start Your Vocal Breakthrough!

Only $275 CAD!

Thanks for submitting!

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